Monday, April 7, 2008

You are Part of the Package

The tip I am about to share, is not one you would expect to find on this type of blog, is resourceful, inspired, affordable and definitely personal. In the recent issue of Prevention Magazine, in an article titled, Head-To-Toe Healthy, one tip in particular caught my eye. Having tried it, yesterday and this morning with impressive results, I wanted to pass it along.

In addition to your services, product and expertise, YOU are a major part of your presentation and we all have only one chance to make a first impression. We are literally and figuratively groomed, dress the part, talk the talk, etc. etc. While I've toyed with the idea of having my teeth professionally whitened, they advise against it if you have sensitive teeth (which I do) and I think it's ridiculously priced since you have to do it repeatedly.

So, what is that tip I am referring to? According to Letha Hadady, DAc,
"Combine 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda with 1 or 2 drops of Peroxide. Brush on, let sit for a few minutes, then rinse (don't swallow) and ta-da- enjoy your once-again pearly whites. Baking soda serves as a safe, light bleach. A Baking Soda and Salt mixture can also restore the shine of dingy teeth (dip a wet toothbrush into 1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda and sprinkle with up to 1/8 teaspoon Salt) as effectively as it polishes your pots and pans. However, the peroxide recipe if safer for people on no-salt diets". (No, I didn't know about the pots and pans either, but as long as it's safe...)

I tried both ways, and personally, find dipping the toothbrush into some Baking Soda and topping with salt easier and more pleasant since you don't have to let it sit although I may alternate. Either way, I have to say I noticed a big difference immediately and this little tip I discovered has made me very happy.

So enjoy and SMILE!! I hope you found this Resourceful. Inspired. Affordable. Personal.
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